Cinnamon and Sultana Cookies

I don’t know about you but this evening I could do with a sweet treat and these Cinnamon and Sultana Cookies would definitely hit the spot! Quick and easy to make they are the perfect mid-week bake, with warm flavours to pull you into the autumn!


200g Cool Butter

200g Caster Sugar

100g Dark Soft Brown Sugar

300g Plain Flour

1 Large Egg

100g Sultanas

1 1/2 Teaspoons of Cinnamon


Preheat your oven to 150°C.

Place the butter, caster sugar, dark soft brown sugar, flour, cinnamon and the egg in a large mixing bowl.

Mix together to form the dough.

Add the sultanas to the mixing bowl and fold in.

Take approximately a tablespoon of the dough, roll it and place on a pre-lined baking tray, I tend to fit nine cookies to a baking tray.

Place in the oven for approximately 20 to 25 minutes, or until the tops go golden brown.

Leave to cool slightly before serving.

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