Easy Eats for a Busy Life



Hey There,

I’m Julia founder of julianneats.com, the Instagram page @julianneats1 and @julianneat on TikTok. I am so glad that you have found my blog. I started my blog as a way to create a personal online recipe book and catalogue my favourite recipes.

I live in Cheshire, UK, with my husband and our dog Flynn. I spend my days working as a flood risk manager, exploring our local area and testing out new recipes on my husband, his work colleagues and our family and friends.

I believe good food doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive to make. These days everyone lives seem to be busy, so the recipes you will find here are easy recipes, with accessible ingredients that I personally use. I also share tips and tricks regarding meal planning and budgeting, food storage and kitchen organisation that I use in daily life that I hope will help simplify your life too.

My hope is by sharing these recipes and tips you can find something that inspires you to try something new!

Julia xxx