Simple Cous Cous Salad

This Simple Cous Cous Salad is a bastardised version of tabbouleh which came to be when we didn’t have enough herbs to make a standard tabbouleh so flavouring it with pesto instead!
1 Cup Cous Cous
1 Vegetable Stock Cube
A Handful Fresh Corriander
A Handful Fresh Basil
8 Baby Plum Tomatoes
2 Spring Onions
1 Red Pepper
3 Tablespoons of Pesto
Pur a cup of cous cous into a large bowl, crumble over a vegetable stock cube, then add a cup and a half of boiling water to the bowl. Give the cous cous a stir then cover the bowl with cling film and set aside for about 10 minutes for the cous cous to absorb the water.
While the cous cous is cooking, finely dice the corriander, basil, plum tomatoes, spring onions and red pepper.
Fluff out the cous cous with a fork, then add the diced herbs and vegetables to the bowl. Scoop in three tablespoons of pesto and give everything a good stir to mix everything together.
Enjoy alongside your favourite meal or by itself as a quick lunch!