Warm Bulgur Wheat and Kale Salad

This Warm Bulgar Wheat and Kale Salad is a current favourite of mine. Super simple to make, warm rich flavours along with the sweet sultanas and crunchy almonds makes it so special.


Half a Cup of Bulgar Wheat

A Large Handful Kale

1 Brown Onion

Half a Cup of Almonds

Half a Cup of Sultanas

A Pinch of Salt and Pepper


Put a small pan if water on to boil. Add in a stock cube and half a cup of bulgar wheat.

Dice a brown onion add to a frying pan with some olive oil, a pinch of salt and peper and a teaspoon of garlic puree. Put over a medium heat.

Roughly slice up the kale and add to the pan once the onions have started to softened.

Roughly chop up half a cup of almonds. When the kale and onions are soft add the almonds to the frying pan.

Drain the bulgar wheat and add it to the frying pan.

Toss everything together then add a cup of sultanas.

Mix together and serve warm.

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