Super Simple Salad

Super Simple Salad

I find it's always great to have a Super Simple Salad recipe hand that can go with a variety of main meals. This one combines a mixture of fresh leaves from our vegetable garden, the crunch of a yellow pepper and juicy cherry tomatoes with the creamy nutty pesto.


A Handful of Fresh Spinach

A Handful of Fresh Rainbow Chard

A Handful Fresh Rocket

1 Yellow Pepper

A Handful Cherry Tomatoes

3 Tablespoons of Pesto (I’ve used homemade rocket and pistachio pesto but store bought works well too)

3 Tablespoons Olive Oil

A Pinch of Salt and Pepper


Wash your fresh leaves and roughly chop them.

Place them in a large mixing bowl.

Dice the yellow pepper and cherry tomatoes. Add them to the leaves.

In a cup mix three tablespoons of pesto with three tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. This should thin out the pesto.

Pour the pesto dressing over the leaves and toss everything together.

Serve alongside your favourite meals.

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