Brew Monday

Good Morning!

The third Monday of January is generally labelled “Blue Monday” because it is a day that can feel particularly gloomy.

We all know the last year has been particularly tough and for those of us in the the UK back in lockdown can leave us feeling low and alone. Therefore it's more crucial than ever to reach out and check in with friends and family.

Today I'm taking part in Brew Monday, a way to turn Blue Monday into something positive. Brew Monday reminds us of the importance of connecting with others by sharing a brew over the phone with loved ones.

To celebrate Brew Monday I thought I would share three of my favourite teas.

I’m going to be honest upfront I much prefer a loose leaf tea to a tea bag so all those mentioned are in loose leaf form. I prefer it because I feel you have more control over the strength of the brew and as someone who only drinks tea black this is really important to me!

Ceylon Tea

If I’m going to drink a plain black tea I will always choose a Ceylon Tea. Ceylon tea is also known as Sri Lankan tea.

They are characterised by a fragrant aroma and crisp, citrus flavours. They are delicious as single estate teas, or as part of a black tea blend.

The loose leaf ceylon tea I’ve recently been drinking my sister brought home for me from her honeymoon in Sri Lanka but you can pick it up online.

China Rose Tea

If I’m feeling like a flavoured tea there are two I regularly reach for the first being China Rose Tea, its a black tea laced with rose petals.

I love it because it's a mellow, sweet-tasting tea with a gorgeous perfumed aroma. I first remember my mum introducing it to me at a tea shop as a teenager and it’s something I now try and keep in my home always.

My favourite China Rose Tea is from Imperial Teas Of Lincoln but my close second is from Betty’s both can be bought online!

Christmas Tea

My second favourite flavoured tea is Christmas Tea. Perfect for the autumn and winter months my favourite one is from Betty’s it’s their Spiced Christmas Leaf Tea, a black tea blended with lemon peels, orange peels and warming cinnamon pieces. It smells and tastes like comfort in a cup. Unfortunately it is a seasonal tea so I tend to stock up whenever I see it in stock and keep it for grey days throughout the year!

Whittards also sell a great one! It’s a black tea with aromatic cloves, orange peel, Madagascan vanilla and yellow safflower petals, again very cosy on a winters day.


I always love getting to have a cuppa with friends and family. There’s something about sharing a brew that allows you to open up and share what’s going on. I don’t know if it’s the warmth from the cup that helps to relax and share or just the ritual of stopping and sitting down together which gives you a chance to have deeper conversations.

If you feel like you need someone to talk to and aren’t sure who to below are links and numbers to three of my favourite UK mental health charities.


CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably. A charity providing a mental health helpline and webchat.

Phone: 0800 58 58 58 (daily, 5pm to midnight)



Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.

Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)



Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.

Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)


I just want to remind anyone reading this you are not alone, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and you are enough.

Julia xxx