Julia ParrComment

Pesto Macaroni Melt

Julia ParrComment
Pesto Macaroni Melt

After several days celebrating my husband's 30th birthday with all sorts of rich and wonderful food I woke up today craving something packed full of vegetables. This Pesto Macaroni Melt fits the bill perfectly. It's my quick and easy take on a vegetable macaroni bake, without having to wait 20 minutes for it to be cooked in the oven!

Serves 4


2 Cups Macaroni

1 Courgette

1/2 Aubergine

1 Brown Onion

1 Red Pepper

2 Tablespoons Pesto

Cheese to top


Put a pan of salted water on to boil. When water gets to a rolling boil add a slosh of olive oil and your macaroni. Cook until the macaroni is al dente.

Dice the vegetables. Add them to a large frying pan with some oil on a high heat.

Allow vegetables to soften.

Drain the macaroni and add it to the vegetables with a couple tablespoons of pesto.

Mix everything together.

Grate the cheese over, I've used a mixture of Lactofree cheddar and parmesan.

Turn the pan to medium and let the cheese melt for a few minutes before serving.

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