Chorizo In Red Wine

With the weather predicted to get better over this weekend this Chorizo in Red Wine will make the perfect dinner to sit outside and enjoy.
2 Chorizo Rings
1 Red Onion
2 Garlic Cloves
1/2 a Bottle Red Wine (I used a Merlot)
1 Tablespoon Honey
First cut the ends off you chorizo rings and slice the ring in half to make it easier to work with.
Score a line down the middle of the chorizo using a sharp knife and peel the skin off.
Dice the chorizo into approximately 2cm chunks, add to a pan.
Roughly dice the red onion and crush the garlic cloves. Add them both to the pan with the chorizo.
Pour half a bottle of red wine over the chorizo and onions along with a heaped tablespoon of honey.
Put the pan on a medium heat and leave simmer for an hour.
Taste before taking the pan off the heat. If the juice is slightly bitter add some more honey. I find using a Merlot or other more full bodied wine I don't need to add extra honey at the end.
Serve warm with some fresh bread to soak up the juice.
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