Simple Spaghetti Carbonara

This is my all time favourite comfort food. My mum taught me how to cook this when I was about 12 years old, a recipe passed down from her . Since then I turn to this recipe whenever I'm having a stressful day.


  • 2 Medium Brown Onions

  • 1 Pack Smoked Back Bacon

  • 1 Large Egg

  • Olive Oil

  • 200g Spaghetti


  • Bring a large pan of water to the boil and cook the spaghetti following pack instructions.

  • Heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan.

  • Meanwhile dice the onion and bacon and cook the pan for 6-8 mins until just starting to brown, turn the pan off and wait for the spaghetti to cook.

  • Drain the spaghetti and add to the onion and bacon mixture. Turn the pan on to low and toss the spaghetti to combine the oil, onions and bacon.

  • Create a hole through the spaghetti to the base of the pan and crack the egg into the mixture. Scramble the egg, combining with the spaghetti, onion and bacon mixture until the egg is cooked through.

  • Serve in a simple bowl.