Roast Lamb

Happy St. David’s Day! To celebrate I thought I'd share my favourite Welsh Roast Lamb!

This is the way my mum taught me and my sister to make roast lamb and it comes out perfectly each time with the lamb falling off the bone.

All you need three ingredients and a decent amount of time. This makes it one of the easiest roast meats to make if you are a beginner, so perfect for my #julianneatsbacktobasics series!


A Lamb Shoulder*

A Handful of Fresh Rosemary

Table Salt


Preheat your oven to 200°C.

Take the lamb shoulder out of the packaging and place on a large roasting tin.

Take a sharp knife and stab the lamb all over, making deep cuts into the fat and meat. This allows the fat to melt out of the lamb while it’s cooking.

Take sprigs of fresh rosemary and shove them inside the cuts you made.

Turn the lamb so the fat layer is facing up and sprinkle table salt over the fat to help or crisp up.

Place the lamb in the oven for 40 minutes.

Take it out and stab it all over again, then turn the heat down to 160°C and leave it roast for the next 4 hours.

After 4 hours take it out and stab it for the last time, turn the oven back up 200°C for approximately another 40 minutes. If you wish you can add chopped potatoes to the pan at this point and have them roast in the lamb fat for the last 40 minutes.

Take out and enjoy, the meat should just fall off the bone if you drag your fork down it!

*Preferably Welsh Lamb, from the butchers, it just tastes better in my opinion!