
When I talked to my friends about my back to basics series everyone agreed it's essential to be able to make a good roast dinner.

Over the run up to Christmas I shared alot of the staples for a great Roast Dinner but I realised I hadn’t shared my go to Gravy recipe or the meat I like to cook. So today I thought I'd share my take on my mums gravy recipe.


50g Butter

50g Flour

1 Teaspoon Mixed Herbs

1 Teaspoon Rosemary

1 Teaspoon Thyme

1 Teaspoon Garlic Puree

1 Vegetable Stock Cube

1 Glass Red Wine

1 Glass Porr

1 Teaspoon Gravy Browning



Place the butter in a pan over a medium heat.

Melt the butter down and add in the flour, stir until it forms a paste then add in the herbs and stock cubes and stir until the mixture is crumbly.

Then slowly add a pint of water wisking the mixture until smooth and coming to a boil.

Once it reaches a rolling boil add in the red wine, port and gravy browning to the gravy. Turn the heat down to low and simmer for 10 minutes before serving.
