Ginger Cake

I've got to say I love adding ginger into my food. It's sweet yet spicy flavor lends itself to cakes and biscuits well. So for the third day of advent baking I thought I’d share my incredibly easy Ginger Cake recipe. This cake is light and fluffy, filled with great flavour, intensified by the addition of candied ginger pieces. I hope you enjoy it!
3 Eggs
200g Self Raising Flour
200g Caster Sugar
200g Stork
100g Candied Ginger
1 Teaspoon Ground Ginger
1 Teaspoon Mixed Spice
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Weigh out the sugar, flour and stork. Add them with the eggs, ground ginger and mixed spice to your mixing bowl.
Wisk until the batter is well combined, smooth and a few shades lighter then when first combined.
Dice the candied ginger and add it to the cake batter. Mix it through the batter.
Grease the loaf tin, remembering to grease up the edges with some stork on some kitchen roll.
Add your batter to the baking tin. Smooth the batter to an even layer. Make a dip in the middle to get a nice shape to the cake as it rises.
Put the cake in the oven for approximately 25 minutes. Test to see if it is done by inserting a skewer into the cake and wiggling before bringing it out, if the cake is done the skewer will come out clean, if its not ready batter will stick to your skewer.
Bring the cake out the oven, take out of the cake tin and place on a cooling rack to cool.