Veggie Gnocchi

So my husband and I tried to make gnocchi for the first time tonight. It tasted great but didn't hold it's shape well. While I'm playing round with a homemade recipe I thought I'd share my go to easy veggie gnocchi which uses store bought gnocchi instead.

Serves 2


1 Packet Gnocchi

2 Medium Onions

1 Head Broccoli

2 Small Peppers

1 Pack Asparagus

1 Courgette

Garlic Oil

Minced Garlic


Mixed Herbs

Salt and Pepper


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

Dice vegetables, put on baking tray with a slosh of vegetable oil, 2 teaspoons minced garlic, 1 large pinch of salt and pepper, 1 teaspoon cumin and 2 teaspoons mixed herbs.

Roast in oven for 20 minutes, check and toss the vegetables at around the 10 minute mark.

Put pan of water on to boil, once boiling add the gnocchi cook for as long as instructed on packet.

Drain the gnocchi and add to the roasted veg, toss together with some garlic oil and put back in oven for 15mins, again tossing halfway.

Plate up, I generally serve this with a bit of grated parmesan cheese on top.

#lockdownmeals #julianneats #easyeats #easydinners #gnocchi #veggierecipes