Tomato and Aubergine Stew

A few weeks ago a friend made me a version of this stew for dinner. It was so good that I decided to recreate it with what I had to hand at home a few days after.

This is honestly the best late summer / early autumn stew. It’s rich in flavour and not to heavy. Perfect for those cooler evening that seem to be drawing in.


1 Aubergine

1 Yellow Courgette

1 Red Pepper

1 Tin Cannellini Beans

2 Tins Chopped Tomatoes

2 Vegetable Stock Cubes

1 Large Pinch of Salt

1 Tablespoon Cumin

1 Tablespoon Corriander

1/2 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper


Roughly cube the aubergine, courgette and red pepper.

Add to a large deep frying pan and pour over a tin of cannellini beans and two tins of chopped tomatoes.

Crumble over two vegetable stock cubes and sprinkle in a large pinch of salt, the cumin, corriander and cayenne pepper.

Top up the pan with cool water until the vegetables are covered and give everything a good stir.

Place the pan over a high heat until the liquid comes to a boil. Then drop the heat to low and leave the pan simmer for about an hour and a half, stirring intermittently so nothing sticks to the bottom.

Serve with rice or garlic bread and enjoy!