Kitchen Renovation Week One

Hi Guys,
Today’s post is to update you on how the first week of our kitchen renovation has gone.
Day One
Our renovation works started on Wednesday 26th August with introductions to the team undertaking the work. That was followed a walk through the spaces and talking through the works with the builders to make sure we are all on the same page.
The builders then started to rip out the old kitchen, they left the units housing the sink intact so we can keep using it while the works progress.
A doorway was knocked through the wall between kitchen and the garage. This enabled them to remove the demolished kitchen. Unfortunately there has been a delay on skips in our area so the team had to load the broken down kitchen into their vans to take it away.
The builders went on to remove all the electrics from the kitchen and the radiator from the dining room. They then added the acrow props on either side of the wall to prepare to knock through.
Day Two
The second day of the renovation was dedicated to knocking the wall between the kitchen and dining room down to open up the space. I can’t believe how much light this one change brings to the dining room!
A small section of wall which the boiler currently sits on has been left until the plumber can come next week to move it and the pipe work to accommodate the new layout.
Day Three
The building works were put on pause until the next week to wait for the plumber to be able to move the pipe work and for the steel to support the second floor of the house to be delivered.
We did however receive the deliver of the new kitchen. Ideally this would have come when the builders had completed the interior building works, however our start date had been moved back due to delays on previous jobs due to suppliers taking longer to deliver materials due to COVID-19 and the company making the kitchen refused to push back our delivery date when I called to ask.
It was really exciting to see the kitchen in boxes and to know it’s there in our garage waiting to be fitted!
Day Four
So day four was Saturday and I wasn’t expecting anything to happen over the weekend. Unfortunately that was wrong assumption and I was woken up by my dog barking at the men delivering the very large skip. After a quick rush to make myself presentable I ran downstairs to move my car to make room for the skip in our driveway.
One of the builders also popped in while I was out to double check the measurements on the steel calculations to satisfy our local building control officers.
That concludes all the work done this week and I’ll update you all again next week. Thank you for following along on this journey!
Ju x