Sundried Tomato Arancini

If you’re looking for something interesting to make and don't mind spending a little longer on the process this Sundried Tomato Arancini is definitely worth a try.

Definitely not a quick meal to make but it packs a great taste and looks amazing if your serving for guests. Why not give it a go this weekend?


1 Red Onion

1 Red Pepper

1/2 Courgette

4 Sundried Tomatoes

A Pinch of Salt

1 Teaspoon Garlic Granules

1 Teaspoon Oregano

1 Cup of Risotto Rice

2 Vegetable Stock Cubes

Plain Flour


Panko Breadcrumbs

Vegetable Oil


Finely dice a red onion, a red pepper, half a Courgette and approximately 4 sundried tomatoes in oil.

Add the vegetables to a pan with a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of garlic granules, a teaspoon of Oregano and a teaspoon of oil.

Put the pan on a medium heat and allow the vegetables to soften slightly.

Once softened add a cup of risotto rice, mix everything together then add two vegetable stock cubes and cover with hot water.

Once the risotto is cooked and has absorbed all the liquid leave it to cool.

Set out three bowls, one filled with plain flour, one with eggs whisked together and one with panko breadcrumbs. Next to them set out a pre lined baking tray.

Once the risotto is cooled, take a small handful and pack together tightly into a ball. Repeat until all the risotto is used up.

Then take a risotto ball, place it in the flour bowl and shake the bowl to coat it.

Remove it from the bowl and place into the egg mixture bowl, shake to coat.

Remove it from the bowl and place into the panko bowl, shake to coat. If the ball isn’t well coated you may want to give it another layer of egg and panko.

Place the ball onto the baking sheet and repeat the process until all the risotto balls are coated.

Fill a pan with vegetable oil, place on a high heat and wait for the oil to heat up.

Once the oil is hot add a few of the arancini balls, let them cook until golden brown all over and warm in the middle.

Pick out with a slotted spoon and place on a plate lined with kitchen towel to draw out the excess oil.

Serve warm.

#julianneats #arancini #risotto #sundriedtomatoarancini #sundriedtomato #veggierecipes #funfood #food #foodblog #whatieat