Roasted Red Pepper and Parma Ham Pizza

This Roasted Red Pepper and Parma Ham Pizza is amazing. I love how changing up something so simple as the sauce from tomato to a red pepper tapenade makes an otherwise very simple pizza something you would serve to friends at a party.
1 Portion Pizza Dough
2 Tablespoons Red Pepper Tapenade
Lactofree Mature Cheddar Cheese (if you’re not lactose free normal cheddar cheese would work great too)
1 Roasted Red Pepper
1/2 Brown Onion
6 Cherry Tomatoes
1 Handful Fresh Rocket
Preheat the oven to 200°C.
Roll out your dough to the size pizza you want.
Scoop a couple tablespoons of red pepper tapenade onto the base and spread with the back of your spoon.
Grate your cheese over the tomato base.
Slice up a roasted red pepper and add to the top of the pizza.
Finy slice half a brown onion and rip up two slices of Parma ham, add to the top of the pizza.
Cut six cherry tomatoes in half and add to the top of the pizza.
Put in the oven for 10-15minutes until the crust has browned and cheese melted.
Serve hot.
#julianneats #pizzanight #pizza #lactosefree #lactofree #roastpepperparmahampizza #parmaham #redpeppertapenade #roastredpepper #foodblog #whatieat #food #saturdaynightpizzanight #yum