Homemade Orange Syrup

If you are looking for a Homemade Orange Syrup to add to bakes, drinks or other dishes you’ve reached the right place.
I was complaining to my husband how I was struggling to find a store bought syrup that didn’t give a strange after taste to my bakes. He suggested making one at home instead and showed me how to make it using his recipe below. I couldn’t believe how simple it was to make and how much better it tastes than any store bought version I’ve found!
This recipe yields approximately 1 litre of syrup, this can be stored in airtight containers for 1 to 2 weeks in the refrigerator or 3 months in freezer.
6 Oranges
600g Sugar
Peel the zest of 6 oranges.
Place the zest in a medium sized pan with 300g sugar and fill the pan up halfway with water, stir everthing together and place over a low heat.
Leave the syrup to simmer and reduce to leave approximately a quarter of the liquid left.
While the zest is simmering juice the 6 oranges and pit the juice to the side for later.
Strain the zest out and dispose of the liquid.
Put the strained zest back into the pan with 300g sugar. Fill the pan up a quarter with water and then add the orange juice from earlier.
Place the pan over a low heat, leave the syrup to simmer and leave until it has reduced by half.
Pour the syrup into a blender and blend until smooth.
Keep in the refrigerator or freezer in an airtight container.