Chris' Big Mac Burgers

Not going to lie I love when my husband gets to cook for me! He’s a chef so usually I don't get to see much of him in the evenings or weekends. I tend to make most our meals so he doesn't have to cook when he gets home from work. Lockdown has meant he's been furloughed and I’m loving getting to spend so much time with him and enjoying his amazing dinners. This was his take on the Big Mac for Friday date night.
Serves 3
24oz Beef Mince
5oz Breadcrumbs
1 Teaspoon Tomato Ketchup
1 Teaspoon English Mustard
2 Teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 Egg
Salt and Pepper
1/2 Small Head of Lettuce
1 Beef Tomato
1 Red Onion
3 Gerkins
5 Brioche Buns
6 Cheese Slices (can be substituted for whatever cheese you have at home sliced)
Burger Sauce
Preheat the oven to 200°C.
Put the beef, breadcrumbs, tomato ketchup, English mustard, Worcestershire sauce, a large pinch of salt and pepper into a mixing bowl.
Use your hands to combine the ingredients together. The breadcrumbs should stop the mixture becoming too wet.
Once combined take approximately 1/6th of the mixture, roll into a bowl and flatten slightly to form the burger patties.
Put a large frying pan onto a high heat, add some oil and leave to warm. When the oils warm add your burger patties and a pinch of salt to the frying pan. Fry for a few minutes on each side so the meat browns.
When the meat has browned transfer to a baking sheet. Add a slice of cheese on each burger and place in the oven for approximately 5 minutes to melt the cheese.
While the buns are in the oven slice your brioche buns in half and brown in the frying pan for a few seconds each side. Put to the side.
Slice your beef tomato and lettuce into 6 slices approximately 1 centimetre thick. Thinly slice the onion and gerkins.
Take your burgers out of the oven.
Start building your burgers in the following way from the bottom up: brioche, lettuce, tomato, burger patty, brioche, lettuce, tomato, onion, gerkin, burger sauce, brioche.
We had our with oven chips last night. Enjoy!
#julianneats #homemademeal #datenight #burger #bigmac #easyeats #dinnerideas