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Winter Poached Pears

Cuddle up by the fire and indulge in these Winter Poached Pears. Poached in a mixture of port, red wine and winter spices, then topped with syrup made from the poaching liquid these pears taste incredible and should not be missed!


4 Pears

1/2 Bottle Port

1/4 Bottle Red Wine (I’ve used a Merlot)

8 Cloves

1 Cinnamon Stick


Peel the Pears.

Add them to a mixing bowl with the port, red wine, star anise, cinnamon, cloves and top up with water until the pears are covered.

Cover the bowl with a piece of baking paper and place in the fridge for 24 hours.

Take them out of the fridge and transfer to a pan.

Add approximately 150g of sugar to the pan and place over a low heat.

Bring to a simmer and cook for approximately 20 minutes.

Take the pears out and put back into a bowl with half the liquid.

Add 200g sugar to the remaining liquid in the pan. Leave the pan over a low heat to simmer until it reduces down to a syrup.

Cut the pears in half, stack one half on top of the other on a plate and pour the syrup over!