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Bean Burgers

In this heat I always want a quick and easy meal. These homemade Bean Burgers are super quick to put together and taste amazing. A great alternative if you're thinking of cutting back on meat or just want a change from the norm.


1 Red Onion

1 Can Haricot Beans

1 Can Borlotti Beans

1 Tablespoon Cumin

1 Tablespoon Paprika

1 Tablespoon Garlic Salt

1 Slice of Bread

Pinch of Salt


Roughly dice a red onion add to a frying pan with some oil and a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of cumin, paprika and garlic salt.

Fry on a medium heat until the onions are softened.

Drain the tins of beans in a colander. Mix together in the colander before adding 2/3rd of the beans into the blender.

Add the softened onions, a slice of bread and a teaspoon of oil into the blender with the beans and blend until mostly smooth.

Add the rest of the beans to the blended mixture and stir in.

Take a handful of the bean mixture, roll in a ball and pat down into a patty and place on a baking sheet or plate.

Repeat until the mixture is all used up.

Heat the frying pan with a little bit of oil and add the patties to the pan. I tend to do this in batches.

Fry the patties for a few minutes on each side until brown. Take out and put on a plate.

Cut your burger bun in half put it in the pan inside down to brown slightly.

Put your burger together, I tend to add some lettuce and mayonnaise but feel free to add whatever ingredients you want.


#beanburgers #burgers #veganrecipe #veggierecipes #veggieburger #julianneats #summer #food #foodblog #easyeats #pantrymeal #beans